• Water Softener Salt Tablets

    The salt used in the brine tank of a Water Softener does not directly soften the water, but is used to regenerate the resin beads in your water softener. These actually soften the water from your well by removing the hard water ions, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

    Water in Dubai contains high levels of calcium and magnesium which can cause scale buildup in pipes, fixtures, and appliances over time. To combat this issue and ensure a soft, spot-free water supply, most residential and commercial buildings in Dubai utilize whole-house water softening systems.

    A key component of these softening systems are salt tablets, which play an important role in the ion exchange purification process. UltRATEC is a leading manufacturer and supplier of mineral-based salt tablets optimized for the water conditions in Dubai.

    The Water Purification Process in Dubai

    Raw "hard" water first enters large central water treatment plants. Here, it undergoes microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet disinfection to remove contaminants and desalinate seawater.

    The treated water is then piped under pressure throughout the city. However, it still contains dissolved calcium and magnesium ions responsible for water hardness. To resolve this, buildings are equipped with water softeners.

    How Water Softening Works

    Softeners contain resin beads coated with sodium ions which replace and remove the calcium and magnesium ions from the pressurized water stream. The ion-exchanged water flows through as "soft" water suitable for use.

    Periodically, the high-sodium resin beads must be recharged. This is where salt tablets play their part - when placed in the brine tank, they slowly dissolve into a saturated saltwater solution. During recharging, this saline solution is flushed through the resin bed, replenishing sodium ions.

    Key Benefits of UltRATEC Salt Tablets

    • Composition of sodium chloride ensures effective ion exchange for Dubai's water profile
    • Consistent mineral formulation dissolves gradually for precise salinity control
    • Tablet form is compact, dust-free, and convenient for brine tank loading
    • Extended-release coating allows tablets to fully dissolve over the recharge cycle
    • Manufactured under strict quality standards for maximum performance and reliability

    Proper Operation & Maintenance

    For optimal softener performance, users should check brine levels monthly and refill as needed using UltRATEC tablets. Annual resin cleaning prevents mineral buildup. This simple process, when combined with Dubai's centralized water treatment, ensures a continuous supply of soft, spot-free water throughout the emirate.

    UltRATEC salt tablets play an indispensable role in Dubai's comprehensive water purification approach. Through efficient and reliable softening, they help protect infrastructure while delivering the high-quality H2O lifestyle essential to the thriving community.

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